How Mini Dental Implants Can Benefit Your Teeth

Mini Dental ImplantsMini dental implants have rapidly grown in popularity in the last half-decade or so. If you need one or several teeth replaced, mini dental implants are worth considering. This oral health solution will beautify your smile and dramatically improve your oral health in a number of different ways.

About Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants function similar to traditional dental implants yet they are smaller. These tiny dental implants are positioned with a surgery that is minimally invasive. In fact, you can even enjoy a full meal on the same day you have your mini dental implants placed. The mini dental implant procedure is meant to add stability to the upper or lower denture. The recovery time is nearly instantaneous. This procedure simply requires a local anesthetic. There is no need for stitches. Nor is there any need to wait several months for healing.

Mini Dental Implants Make Life Easier

Opt for mini dental implants and you will be able to eat all the foods you love. You will smile, talk and laugh freely in public. This is the oral health solution you need to enjoy life to the fullest. Mini dental implants enhance the look and health of your teeth and surrounding bone structure.

Steady Support for Dentures

Mini dental implant caps are projected from your gums to serve as a stable and strong support base that protects your dentures. If you have partial dentures, traditional dentures or need a tooth replaced, this oral health solution is certainly worth considering as it provides enhanced stabilization. If you are not interested in conventional restorations or if your mouth proves incapable of receiving them, you should discuss mini dental implants with your dentist.

What are the Advantages of Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants have a structure similar to that of regular dental implants. However, the placement of the comparably small mini dental implants does not require an invasive surgery. Both types of implants rely on the use of a titanium post to enhance stability in the mouth. Mini dental implants also have a socket containing a rubber O-ring that connects the post to the tooth. Mini dental implants are between 1.8 mm and 3.3 mm in diameter while regular dental implants are between 3.4 mm and 5.8 mm in width. The miniature version supports the vast majority of replacement teeth, ranging from dentures to fixed crowns and bridges.

Mini Dental Implants Provide Immediate Support and Functionality

The comparably small diameter of mini dental implants requires minimal force for placement. This diminutive diameter keeps the surrounding bone in excellent condition. The health and stability of your teeth and jaw bone is essential to preventing oral health problems down the line. Opt for mini dental implants and you can bite down on all those sticky and somewhat hard foods you love without feeling any type of discomfort in your teeth or gums.

For more information call Visalia Care Dental at (559) 975-1213.

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