A General Dentist Shares the Benefits of a Dental Implants to Replace Missing Teeth

General Dentist Visalia, CA

Having missing teeth can destroy a person’s confidence. Whenever we meet someone new, we make an impression on them. Many people feel that if they lack a great smile, they may not be putting out the best of themselves. We all want to make a good first impression and having a healthy-looking smile can be one of the best ways to do this. 

Your general dentist may recommend a dental implant to replace missing teeth. There are several options for missing tooth replacement, including dental implants. They have certain advantages that other options do not offer. In this article, we will review some of the benefits of dental implants. 

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are essentially realistic teeth that can replace missing teeth. The root of the implant is composed of titanium and is screwed into your jawbone. The tooth portion of the implant is made up of porcelain or another substance that matches the color of your teeth. Your general dentist may recommend dental implants as they can be beneficial in certain cases. 

Dental implants are one of the most popular options for replacing missing teeth. They are very close to the natural look of feel of original teeth, and you are able to chew food with them just as you do with natural teeth. 

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants are a great choice for some patients for a variety of reasons. Some of these include:

Appear and behave like natural teeth

Implants look like the rest of your teeth; they also help patients restore their chewing power.

Prevention of bone loss

The jawbone in spaces where there are no teeth begins to deteriorate. Since implants are inserted directly into the jawbone, bone health is preserved due to the stimulation of the bone. Bone loss can cause your face to get the appearance of being sunken in, and we all want to prevent bone loss from becoming a serious issue for you. 

Stability of adjacent teeth

If you have several missing teeth, those surrounding the gap may shift towards the open space, affecting your chewing abilities and the even appearance of your teeth. Dental implants will stop the moving of adjacent teeth and make your jaw more secure. 

Prevention of gum disease

Missing teeth can facilitate the development of gum disease, as the open space can act as a snare for the buildup of food and bacteria. With no tooth there to brush, the space may be forgotten about, allowing the plaque to flourish and wreak havoc on your gums. 

You should always remember to brush all areas of your teeth, mouth, and tongue when doing your oral routine. Brushing and flossing help keep your mouth healthy, and you want to do everything you can to keep your oral health. 

Prevention of facial drooping

Deterioration of bone in the jaw due to missing teeth can lead to facial drooping. The lower third of the face may begin to sag, causing wrinkles around the mouth and the appearance of a pointy chin. Dental implants help facilitate bone health, in turn helping avoid facial sagging. 


Unlike some other options to replace missing teeth, dental implants can last a lifetime if well cared for. Since they are made from high-quality materials that are biocompatible, meaning the body will not reject them, they are a fantastic option to replace missing teeth. 

Who is eligible for dental implants?

For dental implants to be a good fit, there are a few factors that need to line up. These implants normally need strong, dense, and healthy bones for placement. Other health conditions may inhibit a patient’s eligibility to get dental implants, such as uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, or gum disease. Dental implants also may not be a good fit for patients who are alcohol habituated or who smoke daily.

Your general dentist will work with you to help determine if dental implants are a good choice for you. They will consider the factors of your situation to determine the best course of action when it comes to your missing teeth. 

Your dentist can help 

Your dentist is the number one person to talk to if you feel you need to replace your missing teeth. They know your oral health best, and they can help you determine which option to replace missing teeth is best for you. Reach out to your dentist today to learn more about your options. 

Request an appointment here: https://www.dentistofvisalia.com or call Visalia Care Dental at (559) 975-1213 for an appointment in our Visalia office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Visalia, CA.

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