Why Choose Dentures Over Other Options?

Dentures Visalia, CA

Dentures have long been a common treatment that dentists have used to replace missing teeth in a person’s mouth. If you currently have large gaps, or if your dentist has told you that tooth extraction is inevitable, you should consider this mouth appliance. A lack of teeth can hinder your smile, cause discomfort and even make it difficult to be in social situations. There is no reason you should continue living like this if you have lost teeth. It is helpful to speak with your dentist and consider the advantages of getting dentures.

How people lose teeth

Some patients visit the dentist to talk about teeth-replacement treatment because poor oral hygiene habits have caused problems. If a person does not consistently brush teeth, decay or infection can take over, making it impossible to salvage them. In some cases, the teeth may fall out on their own. Some people may brush and floss regularly, but misfortune knocks out a tooth. Injuries from contact sports or other activities can break or dislodge a tooth. Bike or car accidents, or any other blow to the face, can knock out teeth.

Dentures are natural-looking

One of the biggest reasons people choose this treatment is that the mouth appliance appears like normal teeth. It consists of a gum-colored acrylic base with metal false teeth covered in plastic. The dentist will make an impression of the person’s mouth. Next, a lab technician will make the dentures to fit the patient and match the colors of natural teeth.

Enjoy eating again

It can be embarrassing enough to have missing teeth, but it is also difficult at mealtime. This mouth appliance can solve that dilemma. The dentures improves the function of the mouth, allowing the person to once again chew properly. People who get this appliance can eat most foods, including those they have not eaten in years.

Maintenance and cleaning are not difficult

Though there are permanent options, many patients choose to go with removable appliances. This can help the person take care of the dentures more effectively. The wearer should remove it after eating and rinse off food and other particles. It is important to brush it at least twice a day. The dentist can also recommend a solution in which the person should soak the dentures overnight. This will help keep them from drying out so they can maintain their shape.

Can replace all teeth

A person could choose this mouth appliance to replace a few, several or even every tooth in the mouth. There are both partial and even full options available. This appliance can even replace unhealthy gums. The process of getting the dentures can be more efficient than getting implants, which to replace all teeth, could take several months.

Smile freely again

Stop hiding your smile because you are ashamed of your appearance. Talk to your dentist about this false tooth treatment. This appliance can look like normal teeth and allow you to speak and eat normally once more. Make an appointment to discuss when you can begin this process.

Request an appointment here: https://www.dentistofvisalia.com or call Visalia Care Dental at (559) 975-1213 for an appointment in our Visalia office.

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