Best Options for Kids Teeth Straightening

It is often best to start kids teeth straightening treatments early on. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children get the alignment of their teeth evaluated by the time they reach the age of seven.

If the treatment begins while the child still has most of their baby teeth, it is easier to correct any developing issues before their permanent teeth emerge. How the dentist decides to straighten each child's teeth depends on a host of factors.

Kids teeth straightening options

1. Metal braces

Metal braces remain one of the most popular options when it comes to straightening kid's teeth. These devices work by applying constant pressure on the wearer's teeth until they are pushed into the proper alignment.

While there are other more discrete options for kids teeth straightening, most are not as effective as traditional metal braces. Fortunately, there are now ways for children to customize metal braces to turn them into a cool fashion accessory, instead of some clunky device that gets them teased at school.

2. Clear braces

Clear braces can also be used to straighten a child's teeth. These devices work similarly to the way traditional braces work: by applying constant pressure on the kid's teeth. The main difference between the two is the fact that it is virtually impossible to tell when a person has clear braces on. That makes it a great option for parents who are worried about their child being bullied at school because of their appearance.

The way clear braces work is that the children are given a series of aligner trays to wear during the course of the treatment. Each tray is worn for a period of around two weeks, then it is replaced by another that pushes the wearer's teeth a little closer to the proper alignment.

Another important benefit of clear braces is the fact these devices are removable. The wearer can easily take them out for meals or cleaning times. That means the person is free to enjoy all of their favorite foods without having to worry about things getting stuck in the trays.

The one thing that can force parents to seek other options besides clear braces is the fact these devices have to be worn for at least 22 hours each day. That means these devices are best for children who have the discipline to wear the device as suggested. Failing to wear clear braces for the recommended amount of time diminishes the results of the treatments.

3. Extraction

Some teeth alignment issues can be corrected without the need for braces. Simply removing one or more teeth can create the space needed for proper alignment. Since children still have most of their baby teeth, pulling one out will not lead to any complications or a need for a replacement prosthetic.

That is one of the reasons why it is so important to take children to the orthodontist before they reach the seven-year mark.

Still trying to figure out which kids teeth straightening option is best for your child? Schedule a consultation with one of our dentists today!

The best part?

Request an appointment in our Visalia dentist office here:

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